Chemical Peels


Skin Peels

Skin Peels are bespoke for each patient and their individual needs at Skin by Simona. Due to the varying nature of skin types, the type of peel used is differently prescribed for each patient. You will have a thorough skin assessment where we will carefully select the correct peel that will fit your skin needs. This will depend on your concerns and your goals.

A wide range of peels are available each with a different purpose. Mild peels that provide an effect of an immediate polished look are available before events or special occasions with no flaking or down time associated.

For those with acne or acne scarring stronger peels are available which will aid healing of scars and instantly reduce the visibility of scarring. Peels also are very powerful in slowing acne breakouts.


  • Reduction of blotchy patches that make the complexion dull and discoloured

  • Elimination of sun damage including fine lines, wrinkles and spots

  • Improvement in acne, reduced inflammation and scarring

  • Reduced pigmentation and  a more even out skin tone

  • Stimulated collagen production for plumper, softer skin

  • Removal of dead skin cells

  • Fresher, younger and with a smooth texture

  • Balancing of the T Zone and PH levels in the skin

Down Time

Skin peels are usually pain-free, though chemical peels can have a degree of discomfort. Downtime includes swelling of the treated areas, itching of the skin, dry patches and peeling of the skin for a few days after the procedure. Down time will depend on the type of peel you choose to have.

 ***A range of aftercare products are available to ensure you can continue giving your skin the best aftercare in between your treatments.

Price: £150-400

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